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Keeping Personal Finance and Money Management Simple and Easy

MySmallBank understands that we cannot all be financial gurus nor do we have the time and patients to read through long and sometimes complicated articles.  


Instead wants to keep our financial information simple and honest and allow you, the reader to pick and choose which advice works best for you.


MySmallBank knows that there is never a single financial method to follow and respects that everyone is in a different position and situation with regard to their finances.   Hopefully our advice helps our readers improve their understanding of managing finance and reach their goals.

Our Segments

In Review:

In review: We find a credit union and write a brief review to help readers learn more about a community bank in their area.

Stocks to Buy:

Stocks to buy:  We find a community bank that is listed on the NYSE or NASDAQ and do a basic review of the stock.

Budget Planner:

Budget Planner: These are articles written to help readers learn to better plan and budget their finances.  This can include, money tips and suggestions to help save money and build wealth.

My Success

My Success is a section of that is focused on providing personal finance articles and videos relevant to young adults.

Frugal Living

Being Frugal does not mean your cheap.  To be frugal means you want avoid wasting your money on unnecessary things that you do not need.  In this section we write articles about saving money and also reducing waste to save our environment.

Meet The Team

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Allan R Kirby



Allan has graduated from several universities in Economics, Computer Science, Business Administration and General Studies as well as a college graduate in Management.  Allan has over 20 years of multi-functional experience in accounting, data processing and dissemination, data analytics, IT project management, client relations, service delivery and strategic planning.  He is often considered a utility player who can be put into tough positions to resolve problems.  


Allan writes personal finance content through and social media that is realistic and helps to empower people to become better with their finances.  Meaning he does not assume success is given, does not  highlight mistakes or try to create guilt with his readers, nor does he try not to oversimplify investing and rates of return. Most importantly he does his homework, understands the importance of basic research and leverages his many years of corporate and personal experience.


If you have any questions or concerns about our articles or about what we do please contact us at


Dr. Allan Kirby


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Personal Finance and Community Banking website

Providing personal finance and money management articles, videos as well as publishing Mysuccess Personal Finance Magazine

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